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Transition Leadership Training - Johnson&Johnson - USA

Inspiring people to activate their full potential - Gustav Kaser Training International - Nederland

Leading at the Speed of Trust - Franklin Covey - Brussel

Mentoring Programme - CR.Bard - UK

Waarom we 2 oren hebben en slechts 1 mond - Frederik Imbo - Brussel

Sarah Powers Insight Yoga and Psychological Inquiry - Yyoga Brussel

Professional Coach - Systo Hasselt

Stress en Burnout Coach - Yourcoach Gent 

Loopbaanbegeleiding - Better Minds Antwerpen

Workshop NLP - Het Ontwikkelingsinstituut Antwerpen

Masterclass Emotie Angst en Verlangen - Better Minds Antwerpen

Masterclass Emotie Woede en Waarden - Better Minds Antwerpen

Masterclass Perfectionisme - Better Minds Antwerpen

Voice Dialogue Basisopleiding en vervolgopleiding - Voice Dialogue Instituut België

Masterclass coachen met poppentaal - Voice Dialogue Instituut België

Masterclass Autonomie en Verbinding - Voice Dialogue Instituut

Masterclass Traumasensitief coachen - Voice Dialogue Instituut

Workshop Actiegericht coachen - Educatieve academie


200h Prana Vinyasa Teacher Training - Yogalovers/Nele Van Poucke - Mechelen

30h Yin Fundamentals- Joe Barnett - Sampoorna Brussel

20h Yin Yoga Assists and Target - Joe Barnett - Sampoorna Brussel

30h Art of Teaching Lunar Prana Vinyasa - Yogalovers/Nele Van Poucke - Mechelen

20h Yin Yoga Assists and Target - Joe Barnett - Sampoorna Brussels

20h Rebound and Chakra Meditation - Joe Barnett - Sampoorna Brussel

The five elements / Yoga and Traditional Chinese medecine - Yoga Medicine

Your spine Your Yoga - Bernie Clark - Yoga International

Pranayama and the respiratory system - Mirjam Wagner & David Lurey Mallorca

"Whatever you hold in your mind on a consistent basis is exactly what you will experience in your life" Tony Robbins

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